well my is better for an open tank rather than a closed tank. but i mean its what u want, enclosed or hang on. ive seen a guys tank that he has an L shaped arm that keeps his mh on, but it looks funny
the real heat concerns are during the summer months.
I don't use a chiller on my 150g and it uses 3 250 watt MH and 4 39watt H.O t5's
All i use is a fan and an aquacontroller and a little ac.
idk i think i am going to make my own braces because i dont want to spend $60 on something i can make my self. but ya it should still work.
but imtired so ill talk tommaro...happy birthday man
hey guys, figured i'd just add onto this thread instead of making a new one....Here's my Q:
I ended up getting the coralife fixture that has the arm...The bulb that it coems with it kinda white...If i bought one the the phoenix 14k's 150 w DE bulbs would i use it in this fixture?