Which MH's Should I buy


The moon lights simulate a nocturnal environment in the wild and also aid in the reproduction of coral. Most coral spawning occurs at night in the wild.


Active Member
Originally Posted by aldog51
The moon lights simulate a nocturnal environment in the wild and also aid in the reproduction of coral. Most coral spawning occurs at night in the wild.
As much as you wanna 'believe' that.. in reality all it does is allows you to view your fish/corals while they are sleeping.
It may also help newly added fish not bang their heads into rockwork that they are unfamiliar with ;)


Active Member
Originally Posted by aldog51
The moon lights simulate a nocturnal environment in the wild and also aid in the reproduction of coral. Most coral spawning occurs at night in the wild.
By the way.. I can tell you copy+pasted that right off of something ;) lol


Not to be rude or anything but actually no it is no a copy and paste. I am a big Ocean freak and watch an obscene amount of reef/ocean programs and I am a member of a few forums besides this one. So I do know a little something on the hobby.


Active Member
"A moon lights special luminance promotes lunar spawning cycles in corals and reef life. It also illuminates the aquarium so that the natural nocturnal behaviors of tank inhabitants can be observed."
Hmm... close but no cigar. :) I guess you win.... this time!!!!!!!!!!