which mp3 player should i get


I have to say u should get a rio. They are smaller than an ipod. smaller than the palm of your hand.


Active Member
iPod's have LOTS of problems . . . . I mean LOTS. I had one for a week and returned it . . . . they're that bad.



Originally posted by 007
iPod's have LOTS of problems . . . . I mean LOTS. I had one for a week and returned it . . . . they're that bad.

what problems? I never had one with mine that I had.


never heard of it but the rio's are so good i can't see why u would get anything else. Ipods are a waste of money. Does anyone here have 4,00 songs to listen to. I just stick to the disc mp3's as they are much easier to find songs on.


Active Member

Originally posted by AutoPilot
what problems? I never had one with mine that I had.

Try getting songs from your iPod to iTunes . . .
It won't work if its even remotely cold . . .
iTunes (which is the only program that works with iPod) is completely backwards and stupid . . .
Besides . . . its pretty friggin big in comparison to other MP3 players.


New Member
alright, I've had an ipod (20 GB) for just about 1 year. The only problem that i've ever had was with the autherization with iTunes, but that was a simple fix. IMO get an iPod mini...these people don't have a freakin' clue what they're talking about...most of their problems must have been self-inflicted