Which Nano Tank Is Best?


I am looking at getting a nano tank. I am looking to find out which nano tank people think are best. I am looking to get 1 of the following.
1. JBJ Nano (24 gallon size)
2. BioCube (29 gallon size)
Which of these is better? Which is built better? I am looking to have corals and about 2 fish. I also considered the Red Sea Max (34 gallon) but it is more money then I want to spend. I would not mind input on the Red Sea one as well.


BIO CUBE!!!!!! They are the coolest! I have an 8 gal, 14 gal and a 29 gal. (I should of said, all sizes!!! 29 by far, ....my favorite!


New Member
I would say Biocube. There it has more capacity and the same mod possibilities of the JBJ


Will the BioCube out of the box support corals? I have seen lots of post about mods to the cubes. I dont want to mod in the beginning... I would rather use stock parts. Will it support basic corals? I am prepared to buy better ligts or a coolor or that as long as it fits the design of the existing cube. I want it to look like it does now :)
The red sea does look nice... especially with more room in the back... but man its expensive.


Originally Posted by twenty12
Will the BioCube out of the box support corals? I have seen lots of post about mods to the cubes. I dont want to mod in the beginning... I would rather use stock parts. Will it support basic corals? I am prepared to buy better ligts or a coolor or that as long as it fits the design of the existing cube. I want it to look like it does now :)
The red sea does look nice... especially with more room in the back... but man its expensive.
I am using my 29 gallon Biocube "out of the box". No mods at all, except for adding 2 Koralia 1 powerheads to the display for more flow.

Check out my thread here to see what I've been able to keep in my 29.


Very very nice. Your tank looks like what I am searching to do... a bunch of corals and 1-2 fish. It seems that it should work based on the limited mods you have done.


Originally Posted by twenty12
Very very nice. Your tank looks like what I am searching to do... a bunch of corals and 1-2 fish. It seems that it should work based on the limited mods you have done.
I keep changing things around.... last week I got rid of my pink plate coral, red mushroom rock, some candy canes, a toadstool leather frag and some zoos. This week, I am getting rid of my red lobophyllia and frilly mushroom coral to make room for 20 purple mushrooms, 10 new zoanthid frags, and some new ricordeas!

All of the things that I like will do fine in my tank... mushrooms, zoanthids, ricordeas, xenia, toadstool leather, frogspawn, hammer, etc... and that massive brain coral front and center. It is HUGE and I think it's about to split!~
So if that's kind of what you want, you should do just fine with it and limited mods.


Was not aware of the AquaPod when I first posted. It seems like they are all similar, but right now I think the BioCube 29 is winning.


Originally Posted by twenty12
right now I think the BioCube 29 is winning.


I am getting a new BioCube 29 for x-mas from the wife! It has been purchased and was shipped today! I am very excited to get it in the house and get started. I am new to the salt water tank world as you all know, and have not done fresh water in a long time either. So here is my proposed first steps, let me know if I missed anything or if you suggest a different course of action. As a complete noob its all a little overwhelming now that I need to do it for real vs read about it and I want to do my best out of the gate.
1. Unpack the unit and water test the aquarium. Basically I will just fill the aquarium with water for 24 hours to make sure it does not leak. Then drain the water.
2. Setup the stand and aquarium in the proper spot where it will reside. In this step I just need to make sure everything is level to avoid unnecessary stress on tank and stand.
3. Modifications before filling
a. Increase flow between sections one and two. Not sure the amount to increase, should I cut about 1/2 inch or how much to have adequate flow?
b. Remove bioballs and all filter equipment that came stock.
c. Remove false floors in sections to create more room.
4. Add live sand. I figure I would buy about 30lbs. Is this a good amount or should I go less or more?
5. Add water (getting a RO/DI system) to fill the tank.
6. Adding heater to section one. Buying a 100 or 150 watt submersible heater.
7. Add live rock after sand settles to main tank and section 2 as fuge. Figuring to get about 40lbs of live rock total. 35ish in front and 5ish in back for fuge in area two. Any recommendations on changing this amount or types? I thought about buying some Fiji rock online.
8. Setup of light cycle I plan on simulated sunrise/sunset with 10hours of total light… 1hr sunrise and sunset with 8 full hours.
9. Cycle tank for min of two weeks (probably more like 4 or so) until zero readings. Adding a cuc once the bloom occurs. Will need some assistance on a recommendation on a cuc (I have some idea by reading other posts).
10. Add Chaeto (spelling) to section two and a oceanic biocube protein skimmer to section 1 after the cycle completes. I am also buying an additional pump for more flow. Right now I am thinking a Koralia 1 and the stock pump.
11. Then I start with some basic corals that I hopefully won’t kill.
Can anyone make any other recommendations? Any changes to my plan? Anything I missed? The idea is a reef tank with 2 (maybe 3) fish. I plan on upgrading the lights possibly later, so I plan on starting with easier corals like mushrooms, polyps, frogspawn, etc.
Thanks everyone for you help. The forum has been great for research and I am sure I will get a ton of support on setting up my tank!

matt b

Active Member
ok im not sure if i read it all right bcus i just got up
but if ur gonna add cheato and lr rubble in the back i would add a little light back there just like a clamp on to make a little fuge and i would add a little powerhead maybe a koralia 1 and thats all i can think of now


Just a little compact florescent light? No need to be powerful I assume. I did a quick search and see people scratch the black paint off the back. can it mount inside the lid.. or is the back the best way?