I personally never completely understood all the bashing on prizm's. Sure it's not a needle wheel, but it does it's job for the price. I run both an AquaC Remora and a Red Sea Prizm on my 20g sump/fuge. And to tell you the truth, I see no difference at all in the amount of skimmate taken out between the two. If anything the prizm probably takes out a little more. I see many people on here acting as if the Remora is the next best thing since sliced bread, I don't understand that logic from my personal experiences with the two skimmers. And my Remora has a MJ 1200 on it, I soak both the pump and skimmer in vinegar every 2-3 months, so I know it's working at it's full potential and can't say it impresses me as much as some on this board act. Again just based on my personal experiences with both skimmers.