Which one?


Active Member
Do you mean skimmer? If so, the prizm is a piece of crap, as most people on here will tell you.


Active Member
I had a prizm and it would always stop for no reason and need primed again. Then it broke all together after only four months. I got a coralife and it pulls out alot more gunk than the prizm did.


Active Member
Ouch.. Thanks for the advice.. I am looking for a skimmer under 100$ so I guess Ill go with the Seaclone


To each their own..I have a Prism and a seaclone 100. I have had the prisim about 1 and a half years. It works great for me and I never have to adjust it once i get it going. The seaclone as you will find is in constant need of attention. The air valve is constantly getting clogged, if the water level gets the least bit low it will quit pumping. Two problems I have never encountered with the Prism. I also have a Catalina Aquarium which I've never used yet. I got it in a trade.


Active Member
I agree that some prizms probably work fine, but Triga, if you do a search on here you will find the majority of people have a very negative opinion of the prizms.


Active Member
I personally never completely understood all the bashing on prizm's. Sure it's not a needle wheel, but it does it's job for the price. I run both an AquaC Remora and a Red Sea Prizm on my 20g sump/fuge. And to tell you the truth, I see no difference at all in the amount of skimmate taken out between the two. If anything the prizm probably takes out a little more. I see many people on here acting as if the Remora is the next best thing since sliced bread, I don't understand that logic from my personal experiences with the two skimmers. And my Remora has a MJ 1200 on it, I soak both the pump and skimmer in vinegar every 2-3 months, so I know it's working at it's full potential and can't say it impresses me as much as some on this board act. Again just based on my personal experiences with both skimmers.


Active Member
Vinegar is fairly strong acid. As such it is great for cleaning equipment for your tanks. I keep an old salt bucket(5g) and put 3 gallons of white vinegar in it. Every 1-2 months I take out my pumps, skimmers, and powerheads and let them soak for a day. This really cleans them out very well, and they work much better after I do this. I always rinse them in RO/DI before I put them back in the tank of course. Vinegar is not harmful to a fish tank, unless you pour loads of it in, again it's a fairly strong acid and will lower pH significantly if enough is present.
Here is a picture of both my skimmer tops after 8 days, Prizm on left...Remora on right. So will someone please tell me why the Prizm is such an inferior skimmer and the Remora is top of the line?


Active Member
I personally think both are junk.
The skimmers I have found that work best for medium sized tanks are Excaliburs, AquaC Remoras, and Coralife models.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Seaclone or Red sea prism?
Whick one should i use?
I personally think both are junk.
The skimmers I have found that work best for medium sized tanks are Excaliburs, AquaC Remoras, and Coralife models.


Active Member
I'd have to agree both are pieces of junk IMO....Save your money for a better quality skimmer if price is a consideration


Active Member
How about a coralife super skimmer needle wheel proein skimmer.Its in my doctor foster and smith magazine a 65 gallon for 87$ and 125 for 127$
These any good?


Active Member
I also see a Typhoon Hang on skimmer 110 gallons 69.99$ is this one any good.. looks smaller than the coralife so id be better for hanfg on . Which one should I use. I am only 13 and dont have a job obviously so I need to save my money so if i get one i want it to be good and work well so i dont need to get another one. These any good?


I have had experience with both the seaclone and the prizm. IMO they are both crap. You will hear people occasionaly that have them set up and they work great. But far more often you will find horror stories about them. First of all what size tank is this going to be set up on. This will be important to suggest a skimmer that is appropriate to the size of your tank. Also Hurt, the amount of skimmate coming out of the skimmer is not the only thing, it is also the quality of the skimmate. Yes the cup might be filling up but if it is a lightly tinted mixture, whereas others will be pulling out almost sludge, then you are basically just wasting water.


The skimmer I am using on my 30 is the CPR Bak-Pak2. It runs a about $120-$130. It is rated up to 60g. I have had no problems at all with it and it has been running for about 4 yrs.