which play sand?


I've read on other forums and internet sites that one reccomends the Southdown tropical play sand and others reccomend the Yardright Select tropical play sand. Please clear this up for myself and others, which is the better to get? thanks.
btw here is a pic of each.
Yardright Select:

Some people have had success with it, however, I wouldn't recommend it. If you take short cuts, it may come back and get you at the end!
Been There, Done That!!!


I have read many posts about this EXACT topic and if you ask on this board then the popular answer is "it has to be southdown" but i have started reading other boards and there are many many reef keepers that have done just fine with plain jane playsand. The only real common thread i see is that most suggest white sand. I dont pretend to be an expert but i have 200 LBS of white playsand in my tank. Its a very fine grade, sugar size. (which is also something you DO want due to the fact that a finer grade sand has more surface area than the corser sand which equals more bacteria) so dont worry yourself about the sand. But if you can get southdown i would STRONGLY recomend getting that. Hope i have helped ya some.


Active Member
i believe they are both the same sand from the same quarry, aragonite sand is only gotten from one place, and if it is carribean and white, i would bet it is still aragonite, silica sand is browner in appearance, and will work, but not as well as aragonite(south down tropical play sand is aragonite based)


I've checked the back of the Yardright select playsand, and it says its manufactured/distributed by Southdown inc.