which protein skimmer


im starting a new 75 gallon reef tank.which skimmer would you recommend the prizm skimmer or the cpr bak-pak 2 or 2r? i will be using a wet dry filter.


also if you recommend the bak-pak skimmer do i need to buy 2 of these because they only are rated up to 60 gallons?


Active Member
I agree with Salty. I have a prism and really think highly of its effectiveness. Mine is on my 58 full reef and does a bang up job of removing crud from the tank. They are rated up to a 90 gallon so on yours it should do fine.


Staff member
Puffer, did you ever get Red Sea to send you the new impeller? It actually does reduce prozm noise some...but I am still looking for a silent skimmer!


Not to contridict but when I researched skimmers I was told a prizm probably wouldn't do as well on a 75gallon. I then looked at the sea clone and it doesn't have a good reputation. I ended up putting out the money and getting a Berlin Turbo Hang-On. It cleans great and is worth the money. I also run an Emporer 400 with my tank. Between the 2 you are looking at I would go for the prizm over the bak-pak2.