Which Puffer


Active Member
A have a friend that wants to sell me a map puffer for cheap. ($150) He is After researching it says they are very hard to adapt to a tank but when they do the're great. I just read a thread that said someone's died in 3 days when it cost $500 if that happened to me I would be extremely upset.
I hear Gunieafowl puffers are much easier do you have any experiences or knowledge of either of these puffers?


New Member
hmmm go with the other one. There are also a lot of other puffers that are easier to care for. What fish are you planning on adding? Triggers, eels, lionfish, etc can be great additions to a tank that size.


Active Member
i want a queen angel, maybe a sohal tang.
I have a trigger. I really don't like eels.
Lion maybe.


Post your stock list and see if people still think you should add a puffer. Did you get the other fish you were getting?


Active Member
no i don't think I am going too... you are right a lot of load...
I want i think now
a sohal, queen angel and one of these puffers.


Active Member
6" pinktail trigger
4" lunare wrasse
in this order tell me if you think different
mappa or guineafowl puffer
med. sohal tang
med. queen angel


Calm down, don't be in such a hurry. All of a sudden you want a puffer, why? Because someone you know is selling one? You can get one later if that is what you truely want. You have to slow down. Your system will not be able to handle a large and messy fish right now. You are going away, wait until you come back.


Active Member
i know.. thanks
Well i have always liked those kind of big puffers... I like porcupines too but they are common so when I get a good deal like this it's hard to pass up.
His mappa is awesome... lots of personality!
but you are def. right I need to wait to add anything until I get back
am i right about adding the puffer before a sohal tang? and the queen angel after the sohal or should i switch that up?


Originally Posted by fish1031
i know.. thanks
Well i have always liked those kind of big puffers... I like porcupines too but they are common so when I get a good deal like this it's hard to pass up.
His mappa is awesome... lots of personality!
but you are def. right I need to wait to add anything until I get back
am i right about adding the puffer before a sohal tang? and the queen angel after the sohal or should i switch that up?
It depends. Are you buying adults or juveniles? The queen will grow very large. If it were juveniles I would say the tang, then the puffer, then the angel.


Originally Posted by fish1031
I want about a 4" puffer... 5-6" sohal... and about a 6" queen
The order I said would work best. The Sohal will be a bit shy at first and the queen will be bossy and large. The puffer may nip at new fish, but not likely a larger queen.


Active Member
well turns out my friend might be able to stay here another 2 months!!! the votes are dead even so far...
so he can hold the mappa until i get back.
I am excited... it is an awesome fish... like a dog almost.
Anyway, sep do you think I can add the mappa first and then the sohal or should I squeeze it in first?


Originally Posted by fish1031
well turns out my friend might be able to stay here another 2 months!!! the votes are dead even so far...
so he can hold the mappa until i get back.
I am excited... it is an awesome fish... like a dog almost.
Anyway, sep do you think I can add the mappa first and then the sohal or should I squeeze it in first?
Don't squeeze anything. If these fish have co-existed then it will not matter in what order you put them in the tank. I understand that you like this particular puffer. Is there anything special about this sohal that would make you want this fish rather than waiting awhile before buying one?


Active Member
no i just like the sohal... i was going to order one.
but you sugessted adding the sohal before the puffer and I have to add the puffer by August 1st and I get home July 20th