Which Puffer


Originally Posted by fish1031
no i just like the sohal... i was going to order one.
but you sugessted adding the sohal before the puffer and I have to add the puffer by August 1st and I get home July 20th
I am sorry, I thought these fish were comming from the same person. If you want the puffer when you get back, then go ahead and get him. Be very careful when you get the sohal though. If need be you can pull the puffer out into the qt for a few weeks while the tang gets comfortable. Do not rush anything. That puffer is going to be messy, they all are, give your tank at least a month or more to adjust to the bioload. When you buy the Tang and the Angel ( I would do it at least 5-6 months appart if it were me) I would hypo them both at their seperate times just to be sure. Be sure to QT the puffer. I do not care who's tank it is from. QT him for a month. Don't take chances. That is a beautiful tank that you have, do not put yourself in a position to have to rip it apart again.


Active Member
here is what I am thinking
mappa puffer: August
sohal tang: october
queen: feb-mar (whenever they come in stock) usually winter in LFS