Which Remora skimmer for 55?

I also have this posted in "New Hobbyists" forum but figured this would be a better place for it....
I'm looking at the Remora hang-on tank skimmers but can't decide which one to choose for a 55. I've heard (read) that a skimmer should be rated at higher than your actual tank size. But I've also heard many good things about the Remora and wanted to know if I'd be good with the "up to 75" or if I should go with the 75+.
In case you haven't guessed yet, I'm asking because of the significant difference in price.
All input is appreciated greatly as always.


I personally had the remora pro with the mag pump on my 55 gallon and was very satisfied with its perfomance. I had kind of a high bio-load. HTH


Staff member
Go for the remorapro. A bit more expensive, but the added bunch will be worth it.
I have the pro myself.