Which shrimp is better? cleaner vs sexy


I have 14g biocube and I currently have a cleaner shrimp. I'm not sure what algae he really eats, but i know he eats all the leftover food and steals food from my acans.
So I was thinking of selling him and getting sexy shrimp? I'm hoping the sexy shrimp will be just as good cleaning up algae/leftover food but not aggressive enough to steal food from my corals.
What do you think? Pros/cons?


dont think they are comparable, sexy shrimps aren't really 'cleaners' and they r gonna have to be fed....


Active Member
Hell nah just got 3-5 sexy shrimp...
I hate cleaner shirmps! Ive had 2 in my time and have had both wipe out zoas. Ill never own another one


I just don't like Fire Shrimp because they are so shy they always seem to hide in the back of the tank and only come out when there is food, if that... Not as much fun personality as the Cleaners.....
Personality Scale:
Cleaner Shrimp =

Fire Shrimp =


New Member
I love my fire shrimp. Its always around. Everybody loves it.
By the way, can you have a fire shrimp and a sexy shrimp in the same tank. Ive got a 12g Aquapod.
just to clear things up, you mentioned you want something that will eat algae? From my expierence with sexy shrimp i dont think they eat algae. Maybe im wrong?