Which Shrimp?


Hello,They are both pretty cool but the cleaner will climb on your hands and pick at them when you clean your tank,you can hand feed them as they climb on your hand.


Active Member
My favorite is the blood shrimp. A bit expensive but just beautiful to have and see. I also have pacific cleanres and they are fun also but the blood wow the color is something else.


Pufferlover I want to get a blood shrimp, but I heard they hide alot and you don't hardly ever see them. I have a purple lobster and have only seen it twice in 3 months. Is this true about the shrimp?


I have a pair of bloob shrimps and I do see them (maybe it's because I have twice more chances to see them :D ) They were very shy at first but became more friendly. I actually saw one on and cleaning my coral beauty ;)
The problem with CBS is that once you have it in your tank, you can hardly add another type of shrimp. They are too aggressive. They look great though. :rolleyes:


With shy shrimp such as peppermints and bloods, purchasing 2 or more and introducing them together will go a long way towards helping them become comfortable (and hence visible).


i would go witha blood or cleaner i have a cbs that killed my starfish my blood shrimp a clown and a purple firesish. Im actually trying to get rid of my cbs

king kyle

New Member
Well i just arrived and i purchased the CBS. He seems to be doing fine so far. I'll let you know if he ever gets aggressive.


Another question-
Are shrimp ok to add to a newly cycled tank? My tank is 2 weeks old, and the nitrates have been down for 3 days now so I think it has cycled. How sensitive are these shrimp to potential fluxuations in water conditions. Is one species better than another in this respect?


CB shrimp are my favorite. I would only suggest one though, because they don't get along with other CB shrimps. They are fun to watch though. ANd in my oppinion, the prettiest


I just added 3 blood shrimp to my tank. I love them. They were shy at first, but now they climb around on the live rock. They are very active feeders. At feeding time, they get so excited that they swim all around the tank. Very interesting to watch. I suggest purchasing these shrimp in groups. They tend to be less shy this way.
Amanda :)


i have heard of big Coral banded shrimp ripping cleane shrimp apart, so id go cleaner. i am new to the though, so dont quote me on that.
I like my CBS. It's pretty cool and roams around the tank at night eating the "weird"
creatures that come out of the LR at night.
It's a pig at feeding time. Eats like a horse and has grown rather large in the few months I had it. That's just my 2 cents worth.
Andy :D