Which Skimmer and Pump?


I need some help. I'm upgrading my 75 gallon reef tank to a 125 RR tank with a sump. I dont like the SeaClone 65 skimmer I have now and I'm looking to upgrade. I also need a submersible pump to travel about 5ft up.
What is your favorite skimmer and pump for a 125 gallon tank?


I am putting together a 120g, and I asked around on here about skimmers a few months ago. The majority voted for Octopus NW200 and ASM G3 skimmers. The Octopus is much cheaper with same performance. I ended up buying the Octopus. I'm still gathering pieces, so no first hand experience from me yet! (and I have not bought a pump yet, but most people seem to recommend external pumps because they are more reliable and require less maintenance.)


I vote for the Euro-Reef, awesome performance and reliable. Mine has run non-stop now for over two years without a whimper. Get the largest one that will fit in your sump.
The magnum is an outstanding submersible pump. The size will need to match your overflow capabilities.
I know a lot of folks like the outside pumps, but it isnt always easy to get your sump drilled. I had no one to do that on mine, so went to the submersible. Also has worked fine with no problems for over two years.


Granny and forddna - Thank you for your response. I'm going to take a look at the skimmers yall named. Thanks
Any other opinions?


I personally would go with a Octopus, most bang for your buck. If you have the money, by all means go for the Euroreef. Make sure if you get a skimmer that is rated over your tank size that you stock it that way. If you dont have enough protein in the water than you are most likely not going to get a good head of foam out of the skimmer. Just my two cents. If you stay with the "top 3" IMO you should be fine. (of course I am leaving out BK and Reef Flow) Octo then ASM then Euro Reef.


Go with the Euro Reef RS135. Euro Reef under-rates their skimmers. I know of a very well respected pet store in Michigan that uses a Euro Reef RS135 on a 250 gallon tank!


I just found the Euro Reef RS135. Wow. Pricey! Out of my range right now. Wish I could get it though. Looks nice. I'm still looking for the Octopus and ASM. I'll also look at the Aqua Q EV. Thanks


Okay... I just looked at all the choice yall have given me. The Octopus NW150 looks to be the winner. I found it for $170. I hope it works good. I'm going to get it. The EuroReef, ASM and Aqua C EV Series are way to much for me. Thanks for yall's help.


i bought a used octopuss skimmer on this site, for $75,
if you can wait, and shop,, it sure was worth it to me,, i love this skimmer,, and especially for the price!!!!
keep lookin


I agree with waiting and buying a used one. That's what I did. Mine was only used for about 3 months. I combined other items with it, but it came out to around $120 shipped. That's the nw200.
But I understand wanting to buy new, if that's what you want. :)