Which Skimmer


Currently nearing the end of my cycle on my 75g FO tank. Should start adding fish in a few days i hope. Currently running a 2028 Eheim canister, an XP4 Filstar canister, and a 2229 Eheim wet dry canister. Do i need a skimmer, and if i do which one is best? I assume i need a HOB as i have no sump? It also has a wood canopy if that means anything. Please include the model i need with any manufacturer recommended.


Originally Posted by jobu28
Do i need a skimmer, and if i do which one is best? I assume i need a HOB as i have no sump?
Do you NEED a skimmer? No. Will it help your tank? Yes. I believe anytime you can get the waste/proteins out of the water before they break down you are improving the health of the tank. Are you willing to add a sump? A sump would widen the scope of skimmers.
If not here are a few skimmers that are worth consideration.
Deltec MCE600
Bermuda Rogue
Warner Marine H2
AquaMedic Turbo Flotor
Reef Octopus 300F or 800S
The Octopus 800S is a kick @$$ skimmer but needs a couple tweaks to be stable. The pump almost overpowers the skimmer body. Adding a valve to control the amount of air going into the pump solves this problem. Cheap 15 second fix that CoralVue should include from the factory.


I dont have any room under the tank in the living room. I have three canisters going and it doesnt leave any room for a sump. Thank you for the response. My LFS carries Coralife. Any opinions on these? What model would you recommend in those? Are they comparable to any you mentioned?


I have never owned a Coralife SuperSkimmer. I understand they are sensitive to water levels changes and prone to over flows.
If you are looking for a good but cheap skimmer look at the Octopus 300F. It is kinda big but it does the job for very little money.
Also, if you are going to keep the canister filters be sure to keep them clean.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
MSX 160...I love mine.I had a Coralife SS125 ,it skimmed ok and is very sensitive,after some mods though i got it to work pretty well.

Opps i see you need a HOB the MSX is not for you then.


You can buy a RPS-135 Recirculating Skimmer by AquaEuro OR a Reef Octopus DNW 150 Recirculating Skimmer (these skimmers are made to sit beside a sump so why not beside the main tank)and place it on a shelf behind or beside the aquarium.
Thats what i'm going to do with my 65 or 75gal(not sure what size yet).
In the video: The small pump(sold separately) attached to the clear tube in the sump feeds the skimmer with water from the sump(or tank) the large grey tube puts the water back in to the tank after its been skimmed, the pump on the side of the skimmer does the foming.
I think this will work better then any HOB skimmer out there for the price.