Which Snail Is Best?


Active Member
Well I started with 20 astraea, 20 nass, and 10 cerith in my 125. They are doing a pretty good job but some of the rocks and parts of the sand bed are starting to get pretty dirty so I think its time to get more snails. Which snails are best for eating hair algae especially off the sandbed?


Originally Posted by Kevin34
Well I started with 20 astraea, 20 nass, and 10 cerith in my 125. They are doing a pretty good job but some of the rocks and parts of the sand bed are starting to get pretty dirty so I think its time to get more snails. Which snails are best for eating hair algae especially off the sandbed?
Turbo is realy the only snail that eats hair algea, the rest you mentioned kinda stick to waste and film algea


If you sand is building algea then you don't have enough sand shifting action going on IMO. Look into a Diamond Gopy they spend all there time awake shifting sand. My turbos usually end up where ever there is something to graze be it sand rock or glass, which I have good sand movement going on so I never spot anything growing on it.