Which Tang do you think is the most Awsomest??


Active Member
Originally Posted by sw65galma
Does the angel bother the Sohol or vise versa?
I have one as well..

No...they tolerate each other. .


Speaking of tangs...I have 3 right now in my 125 gallon reef...a blonde naso, blue hippo and a yellow. I am upgrading to a 215 oceanic reef tank in less than two weeks and was wondering how many tangs everyone thinks I can keep in THAT tank. I was thinking of 5 or 6...the ones I already have, plus a powder brown, atlantic blue and MAYBE a powder blue. As of right now I have about 210 pounds of LR in the 125 and have plenty of room to add more if I decide to. I may set the reef up the way it is now when I transfer it and just leave lots of swim room. I was thinking about doing what Dogstar did and have multiple tangs of the same species...for instance, have 3 or 4 blue hippos or yellows etc.
Any ideas welcome!

tangs rule

Active Member
Of the tangs I own:
#1 - Acanthurus Achilles (achilllies)
#2 - Acanthurus Leucosternon (powder blue)
#2 - Paracanthurus Hepatus (hippo)
#3 - Zebrasoma Xanthurum (purple)
#4 - Naso Lituratus (blonde naso)
#5 - Zebrasoma Flavescens (yellow)
Wishlist: (need bigger tank or more house)
#1 - Somthing I saw for sale at Live Aquaria 3 years ago, it was just gorgeous, 5 inches long and like $2500.00
#2 - Acanthurus Sohal (sohal tang)
#3 - Zebrasoma Desjardini (desjardini sailfin)
#4 - Zebrasoma Rostratum (black longnose)


New Member
When I was a wee little chap with my freshwater, I dreamed of having yellow tangs. A month or so into my first setup, I tried 3 yellow tangs. One died and I was certainly made aware (by everyone) that I should expect to lose another. 10 years later, I still have my pair of very bright yellow sentries. They tend to keep all other fish inline.


I would have to say that the achilles is the best looking but my Gold Rim is very cool also. Both fairly finicky though.


Active Member
Yeah but in my opinion I feel that EVERYBODY has a regal/blue tang... I like gem tangs because they are both beautiful and rare!