which tang?


Active Member
I have a 75 gallon established (7 months) tank. When I was a newbie I took the advice of the lfs and got two tangs-a yellow and a kole. Of course, now I need to trade one in. Anybody have any thoughts on which would do better in my size tank? It is 6 feet long.


The kole would be quite suitable for a 75g into adulthood, but really, a yellow wouldnt be pushing it 'too' far. If it was me Id keep whichever I liked best.


Active Member
I think that's why it's so hard for me to decide. I love the color of the yellow tang but the kole is so much fun to watch, he has so much personality!


Keep the Kole, and depending on what else you have in the tank you might look at getting a Lemonpeel Angel.
Has same yellow color and stays smaller.
They are more delicate though so your water quality must be good.
My 2 Cents


I say definitely keep the yellow tang. It's hard to get a solid yellow fish. My yellow tang is one of my favorites.


Active Member
What's the reason for not keeping both? They should be compatible as they're not from the same family. I've kept the two of them together in a 72 with no problem. I'd say unless you have a particulary aggressive tang (kole or yellow) that is terrorizing the other, why not have both of them in there? My $.02
btw, a 6ft long 75. Must be short


I was wondering the same thing. I think the Kole is a beautiful fish...with an awesome personality...certainly fun to watch! The yellow is a bright/colorful addition as well.


Active Member
Thank you! That's what I've been wanting to here, for some reason I thought a 75 wasn't big enough for two tangs. So this won't be a problem as they get older? Do they get more aggressive/terretorial as they get older?


Active Member
2 clowns, flame angel, six line wrasse, and I want to get a mandarin but not until my tank is at least a year old and I see a substantial increase in my pods.


Active Member
I think you'll be fine.
As a norm they should be fine. Of course just as with all things, no guarantees as to the disposition of any fish. Keep an eye on things and react as required.
Good Luck!


I was wondering about that 6' long 75 gal. myself. What are the other dimensions? Oh, and keep both of them :)


My lfs just recommended that you get the Kole first...followed by the yellow. Apparently the yellow is a bit more assertive...this gives the Kole a chance to establish some territory 1st.