which tang???


i am interested in getting a tang fish and dont know which one to get
i have a 75 gal tank
the inhabitants are a rusty angel
and a maroon clown
i dont want one that gets mean or grow larger than 8 inches


Active Member
Yellows and Purples get about 8", and Koles get about 7". I personally would go for either the yellow or purple...simply because I dont like koles. Yet, many people love them...I think they're U G L Y.


Active Member
Originally Posted by surfer11
I dont like koles either but they're good alage eaters
I'd have to disagree with that statement. I have seen many, and most koles are mainly detrius eaters...nothing eats algae like a yellow tang.


AWW I love Koles! I have a beautiful one. She's pinkish/purple, I think they are so cute! Good hardy fish too!


I would highly suggest a yellow. I recently got one about 2 weeks ago. He is awsome, and i love him. He just grazes on alge all day. Very playful, i can sit at the tank and watch him swim all around all happy.
If your looking for a diffrent tang, i would highly suggest a Gold Rim Tang. (Or Whitecheek Tang) I had one for about 5 months, then he died due to a problem with a flame angel, whinch in due time wiped my tank. But until there he was very fun, and loved alge sheets.
These are the only 2 ive dealt with, but imo they are both great. Tangs are great fish, you just need to feed them a varied diet to keep their bright colors.


I have a yellow and a kole tang both are great fish. the purple tands has be a bit bold, so I would do a yellow of KOle
good lick


Active Member
You can never put a purple tang in a 75! they get 10 inches which is bigger than a yellow tang!