Which Tang


My 90 is just about ready for Fish! After a year of second guessing and finding other projects to tackle I am ready for new stuff! What are your favorite Tangs? I want another one and wonder what are your favorites. I had a beautiful Yellow that was healthy, eating and fun to watch- one day living the next day day at the bottom of the tank!


a yellow tang or purple tang would be the best choice


Originally Posted by Sharkboy13
i wouldnt get a tang, ur tanks design wont allow for swimming room which tangs need a lot of
exactly. Just don't do it.


Funny, this website has all kinds of Tangs for sale most listing the 90 as the minimum tank size. Why would they do that if a 90 was too small? Sure, to sell fish, but this seems like a fairly reputable site with experienced folks posting who care about fish


Originally Posted by ctkecth
Funny, this website has all kinds of Tangs for sale most listing the 90 as the minimum tank size. Why would they do that if a 90 was too small? Sure, to sell fish, but this seems like a fairly reputable site with experienced folks posting who care about fish
Those numbers are based on the fish as a juvenile (which is how they are sold) Your tank will not be able to support a large tang like the powder's for long. Do you like Kole tangs? They can go in a 90.