Which Tang???.....


Active Member
Okay so i have been looking at tangs which I eventually want to put in a 120 gallon........I cannot decide between three different ones...
blue hippo
or the powder blue.
I only want one so I would like one that is active and beautiful.
Who has experience keeping any of these and which one in your opinion is the best and/or most fun/attractive?...so on and so forth.....
I am aware that the powder blue can be hard to care for and I will have an established tank prior to adding that one.


to be honest i think you should get a blue tang. Have you looked at all the other choices? yellow tnag are quite easy to take care of. just study a bunch about them


Active Member
I have studied some about them and those are the three I like the best. I am not necessarily interested in them for ease of care. I do like the yellow tang but they are seen often in saltwater tanks and I would like to have one that is a bit more rarely seen and different looking. I wanted to know people's personal experiences and which on e they found to be their favorite.
Okay two responses for ease of care.....what makes the pbt and achilles so hard to care for?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Okay two responses for ease of care.....what makes the pbt and achilles so hard to care for?
Obtaining healthy specimens. They are almost always on their way out when people buy them.
I have a couple recommendations for a slightly rarer tang that perhaps will do a bit better in a 120gal, and are usually easier to find healthy/are just flatout hardier.
What about an Atlantic Blue Tang? If you get a juvi, you also get the pleasure of watching him change colors to an adult.
A Doctorfish? Just like the ABT, it's an Atlantic species, so the risk of bad collection practices is minimal.
First pic is an adult ABT, second is a juvi ABT, third is a Doctorfish



IMO PBT's and Achilles(most beautiful Tang IMO) are just too risky. Major ich magnets. I had a PBT that got ich and wiped out 99% of my fish. Good luck if you decide one one of the two. My suggestion..how about an Orange Shoulder? They are hardier and very active and outgoing. Mines the king of my tank.


Of those 3, the hippo is easiest although they are also ick magnets. I got a small blue hippo, tomini, and desjardini sailfin.


I have three!
I have:
Blue Hippo Tang
Yellow tang
And a purple Tang!
If you like the shape of the yellow tang get the purple tang It still have yellow in it! They are way more rare than the yellow tang! If you want a picture look at my icon/avatar!
I have never had an achilles but I have heard they are hard to take care & same with the powder blue! If you want an easy one pick the blue hippo! Achilles and powder blue are beautiful though! If your experienced get any out of the three you really like!
Glad you are getting a tang! Enjoy it!


Active Member
i love my purple he is now at least 5 inches.
i was going to add an achillis but cant find one anywhere .
so i think i am going with the orange shoulder and a naso.
tangs are awesome


Active Member
Well I definitely don't want to get a fish that is going to die for sure........my lfs had the most beautiful sohal tang but it was around 250.....a little pricey for my blood......it was amazing to watch it swim around though. I think for sure that I want an achilles someday. I just love the colors. What is the best way to care for them. Don't they have to eat like 3 times a day?? Or could you feed them twice and give them a seaweed clip for the rest of the day?? Maybe I will try the blue hippo to get some good practice first.


Originally Posted by hlcroghan
Okay so i have been looking at tangs which I eventually want to put in a 120 gallon........I cannot decide between three different ones...
blue hippo
or the powder blue.
I only want one so I would like one that is active and beautiful.
Who has experience keeping any of these and which one in your opinion is the best and/or most fun/attractive?...so on and so forth.....
I am aware that the powder blue can be hard to care for and I will have an established tank prior to adding that one.
Hi there,
Well if I was extremely confident on the subject of fish keeping, I would try the Achilles. I my current level, I would defently try the Powder Blue. I like all three but I do love the Achilles and Powder Blue, I think that the Hippo is nice too. The Hippo is more commond, but non-the-less they are pretty cool too.


Active Member
I 100% vote for.....The Powder Blue.
By far, he's my favorite fish in my tank. Mine is peaceful, beautiful, and has been easy to keep (never had a problem). I am aware that this fish has a bad reputation, so do your research, but that's just my .02 worth
Originally Posted by T316
I 100% vote for.....The Powder Blue.
By far, he's my favorite fish in my tank. Mine is peaceful, beautiful, and has been easy to keep (never had a problem). I am aware that this fish has a bad reputation, so do your research, but that's just my .02 worth

Haha, I'm asking because I ordered one from here Sunday. I saw one at that shop in Clayton and the PB's are gorgeous in person...I would have bought his but it was too large for my setup.


Active Member
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
Haha, I'm asking because I ordered one from here Sunday. I saw one at that shop in Clayton and the PB's are gorgeous in person...I would have bought his but it was too large for my setup.

Awesome LKG...when is your shipment due in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by LKGRenegade22
Wednesday. I did a group buy off of the forum on the DownUnder site so shipping was free.

They are awesome fish....
The only thing you need to watch out for in the beginning is ick, as with any tang. QT him if at all possible. Need to see some pics once you get him....