Which Tang?


New Member
I have a72 gallon tank and I would like to keep a Tang. I was thinking of a yellow, a naso, a kole or a regal( 1 of these - not all four). Any thought on which will be the best? I already have a coral beauty, 2 firefish, a clown and a scooter blenny.


Active Member
A yellow or naso are some of the more harty and a yellow would be the best of the two in a 72g. Nasos get big.
I agree with NaC.. all fish can have an outbreak with ick, but the regal tang can have an outbreak of ich if you look at it the wrong way! Kole tang doesn't match up enough to the color of the yellow and naso, so go with one of those!


My first fish were 2 false perculas and a sailfin tang. I only have a 55 gal. and my sailfin has probably doubled in size but is the only large fish in my tank. He has a great personality and is kind of a showoff when you are watching him. I have had him about 1 year and have had very limited problems. Another tang to consider.


Active Member
Chevrons get a bit large too, 11 inches
I myself like the koles, as jwt had mentioned, and I feel taht anyone who has never actually seen one, should not judge them by their pics. I do admit many fish are not done jsutice by their pics, but IMO a pic of a kole vs a real look is like comparing quazimoto to Claudia Schiffer. They are done much more harm by theeir pics than about any other speces I have seen.
Get the koles, and IMO, if you cna find one,(this is difficult) look at the blue eyed species. Koles are underated(as jwt had mentioned) and more beautiful than i had expected( I now have one). Hearty and smaller, not to mention one of the 2 most docile tangs we have available.