which tang?



I currently want to add a new tang to my 75 gal tank. i already have a gold bar maroon, fire goby, and a domino damsel and i cant decide between these tangs: powder blue, hippo, naso, clown, achilles. on another note my domino damsel seems to be getting a little agressive lately (hes getting pretty big too), and so i was also wondering if there is any chance that he would be hostile to a tang? i will get rid of him if its the case, but just curious. but anyways any suggestions as to which tang would be the best addition for me? i dont have any live plants, only live rock and sand, hermits and snails. i hear the clown is hard to take care of, but its not a very full tank so he should have lots of room. lets hear some opinions :)


Active Member
In my opinion, all the tangs that you stated will be too big for a 75. I would suggest either a Kole tang or a Yellow tang.


what about a purple tang? i know they can get big but very nice looking imo. my other choice would be a naso but as stated above they do get quite large.


I have a purple tang, and boy is she aggressive. If you get one, I would suggest it be the last fish you add to the tank!


the already mentioned yellow, purple, kole are all good canadites for a 75gal
you can also try a scopas (aka black) tang, looks like a yellow and purple.
the mimic tangs (ebli and choclate) would also do well.
the final choice would be a convict tang.
in regards to the damsel agression...if the tang is around the same size of the damsel you could have some agression problems. however a larger tang shouldn't cause any problems


Active Member
Another consideration would be a scopas. Not brilliantly colored but pretty in their own right.
LOL... I agree. Kinda like the phrase "A face that only a mother can love." :D


id go with a kole or yellow, although b.hippos would probably be ok in a 75 my friend has one and i have one in qt basically till i get him bigger tank.
you just have to watch ur water conditions like a hawk


i have a scopas he is a very active fish his best buddy is a clarki clown they hang out togeather all the time he is the only tang in my 125gal