Which Tangs work good together



I am looking at getting 3 tangs.
Blue Tang
Naso Tang
And Yellow Tang.
How will these work together? I have read that all of these species are peaceful and reefsafe. Any suggestions on different types if needed would be great.
Thanks guys
edit: also looking at Chevron instead of one of the above listed.


I've had all three of them. Most recently, a blue tang and a yellow tang, but what do you mean by "work together?" If you want to know if they are non-aggresive or if will live together comfortable, then from my experience they are great for eachother. My blue tang cleaned up any excess food floating around in the tank while my yellow tang picked at certain types of algea. Together they made a great clean up team and they were a blast to watch. I'd reccomend them ;)


thanks for your input. I think i will go with these. Brine shrimp, planktin, and seaweed for these guys?


as a suggestion, i would stay away from 2 tangs that are of the same genus. aka the blue tang and the yellow. while some of them do hang out a "workwell" with each other. most of the times they will fight each other till one or both dies. best way to tell is by the body shape. unless you have a VERY large tank ( in excess of 150 gallons).
just reread, are you talking about a regal/ hippo or an atlantic blue?

coral bandit

New Member
Ive seen blue hippos and yellows in the same tank as long as you have plenty of hiding places and a large tank 55 gal or bigger. Length is good for this species. The yellow tang will be the most territorial.



that guy! just listed as blue tang.
If they will fight i dont want them, which should i replace with? how about the chevron will he work...says peaceful?!


yeha he is an atlantic blue. you were right. i would not suggest putting him with a yellow. see the yellow barb at the base of it's tail. they will stab each other to death. a regal/ hippo might work
. . . .
? how big of a tank are you talking about here?


ohh...I though you were talking about the hippo blue tang, I have no experience with the Atlantic blue tang...sorry I can't help you out.


i will go with the
Hippo Blue
and Naso
thanks again!


looked at your stats on the bottom, i'll post this once. 3 tangs in a 75 gallon is over crowding. not going to give a speech. here is why. they are free swimming fish, and they need alot of space to be happy. while they are small they will be ok, but as soon as they grow. . . and they do grow fast, they will be getting in each others way. this causes stress, and when a tang stresses you get ick. i would honestly maybe put 2 or even one in a 75 gal.


I'd stay away from the Yellow no matter what the size of the tank. I caught mine picking the antenna off my cleaner shrimp. I think it was picking at some corals too.


i was under the impresion that you cant have 2 tangs in one tank. It is either 1 or 3+. I worked at a place that had a 75 gal with 2 tangs and one killed the other. I will do more research on it but i am not sure 3 would be overkill.


For fish such as these, I suggest 1" of fish per ten gallons of water. If you put a 1" Koran angel into a 55 gallon tank, you should deduct it's required ten gallons. Now, assume you have a 45 gallon tank. Applying the same rule to triggerfish, adding a 1" triggerfish will reduce the tank to 35 available gallons. Adding two 1" yellow tangs brings you down to 15 gallons, and you should leave it at that. Now there are 4 fish in a 55 gallon tank, all of which have a little extra room so that they can grow comfortably, for awhile anyways.
i found this info here
SO i guess 1 or two would be max. What kind of fish could i add? any suggestions?


i believe i will go with just one tang and add some smaller fish. I do have a problem though, my grouper is about 6" and would like to add damsils and other small colored fish but my grouper will eat them in a heartbeat. So i need fish that are big enough for my grouper not to eat but not too big for my tank. I read my grouper doesnt require that much room so i still have a lot to fill.