Which trace element supplements do you use????.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mrdc
chaeto is a controllable macro algae. looks kinda like Alfalfa Sprouts.
the basic idea is that desirable macro algaes, such as chaeto, eat up the same nutrients as undesirable algaes (say bryopsis, green hair, cyano, etc.)
so, you grow the chaeto in an environment that you can prune it at will (i.e. in a fuge) and let it out compete other algaes in your tank.
it also is a great place for pods n' such to live, grow, and thrive to help feed and clean your tank.

so u have to have a fuge in order to have chaeto?


New Member
Originally Posted by Laddy
To be honest, if you use a quality salt mix these trace elements really aren't needed. I don't use any trace elements at all in both my tanks and haven't noticed any ill effect.
hello there.i do agree that using the rite salt mix is suficiant for the reef.i use reef crystals and never have 2 add calcium and my tank is 6ft and heavily stockd.


New Member
Originally Posted by SiNaLOa213
so u have to have a fuge in order to have chaeto?
i have a refugium and put a load of caulipa in it,but for some reason it did not grow as it should.any idea for this?


Active Member

Originally Posted by bodie
hello there.i do agree that using the rite salt mix is suficiant for the reef.i use reef crystals and never have 2 add calcium and my tank is 6ft and heavily stockd.
I'm sure you guys are right...However I have not done a water change since set up(once during the cycle) it has been 1 1/2 years. Had a couple of algae blooms (wire algae, dictyota), took care of that with some fish. Water parameters are within recommended ranges. I was just wondering what supplements everyone was using or likes?? My calcuim additive had trace elements but I have not used it since starting the kalk drip,two weeks. My Ca has been maintained at 425-450 (salifert)
efish :happyfish nsea
oh yea...do you have any pics of your tank :joy


New Member
Calcium, Coral Vite, Coral Accel, Strontium & Molybdenum, Iodine, Phytoplex, and Zooplex. LOL Kent must LOVE me.