Which trigger would you take?


I asked this question in another forum but I figured who would know better about aggressive fish then the people in the aggressive fish forum....I am having a hard time trying to figure out which trigger I would like to get. I am not sure if I should get a Assasi-Red Sea Triggerfish (Rhinecanthus assasi) or a Hawaiian Black Triggerfish (Melichthys indicus). Anyone with any expirence with these fish please I would love your imput. Also I would love to know which one you guys. Thanks again for the help.....


How big is your tank? If your torn between the two you you might consder both, they are from diferent families and should be ok together ( I could be wrong ).
If I was to pick one for myself then I would pick the Hawaiian but only because I have a picasso which is similiar to the other one.


I have a 110 gal. tank and if both max out at over 10" I could see it becoming a problem in the long run. I would love to have both though. Hey AW any reason you picked Durgeon over the Assasi?


Active Member
I picked the Durgeon because it's not a very "well known" Trigger, in the hobby...you might see alot of people that talk about them, but you dont see alot of people that actually have them. Plus, it's alot more beautitul (in my opinion), over the Assassi.
In a 110gal, I would certainly NOT have both...that'd end up being a big problem.


I went with the Durgeon, that is a sweet looking trigger, I have always liked the Melichthys Species.......