which trigger


Need some help guys, I have Panda face puffer, porc puffer, volitan lion, two damsels(I hate them), bursa trigger and a magnificant foxface in a 125. Which trigger would be recommended since I am getting rid of the Niger that I have now? I really like clowns and I also like the Hawaii black one as well as others but I cant make up my mind. All my fish get along well with one another now. Thanks in advance for the help


i would go with a clown trigger,huma huma,rectangular trigger,or something else but with the clown trigger he might kill all of your fish but still there are chances that he wont but most likely he will


oh yeah i didnt notice the lion most triggers will shread your lion but still you never know


Originally Posted by surfinusa
i would go with a clown trigger,huma huma,rectangular trigger,or something else but with the clown trigger he might kill all of your fish but still there are chances that he wont but most likely he will

I think I am going to get a juvinile clown trigger so that he is alot smaller than the other guys and then he can grow up around them


Active Member
Originally Posted by teaggs
I think I am going to get a juvinile clown trigger so that he is alot smaller than the other guys and then he can grow up around them

That still wont matter...eventually, you're gonna end up with that Clown Trigger species only tank.
I'm sorry, but no one that knows anything about this hobby, would ever tell you to put a Clown Trigger with those other fish.
And...with the fish you already have, that you listed, your tank is pretty much full. I wouldnt add another fish.


teaggs - Even a juvenile will not grow up to be friends with it's tank mates. Clown triggers are very territorial fish and like to guard large territories. So the larger the fish the larger the territory, this is when other tank mates are at risk.
I see a lion listed also and would never recommend a clown trigger with a lion, this trigger can and probably will pick your lion to death.
IMO I would stick with the fish you have just like AW2 recommended.


yeah you are already over stocked and some of the fish there get like 2 feet so i would cut back or upgrade but if they are all small then maybe


Originally Posted by surfinusa
i would go with a clown trigger,huma huma,rectangular trigger,or something else

Originally Posted by surfinusa

yeah you are already over stocked and some of the fish there get like 2 feet so i would cut back or upgrade but if they are all small then maybe


He is a nine year old kid. Got to be careful who you take advice from.
Not saying he hasnt researched or read a lot but............


Originally Posted by AW2
That still wont matter...eventually, you're gonna end up with that Clown Trigger species only tank.
I'm sorry, but no one that knows anything about this hobby, would ever tell you to put a Clown Trigger with those other fish.
And...with the fish you already have, that you listed, your tank is pretty much full. I wouldnt add another fish.
I agree. I think your stocked as it is. Wait till your fish get full grown and you will see what I mean. Not to mention, a clown trigger will eventually outgrow that tank and will need at least a 180 gallon.


i was thinking he could do it but then if they were full grown then i would not add anything else it sure makes sence to me but if they are still small then maybe but he should still upgrade


Active Member
I wouldn't put a trigger with a lion. If you did put a trigger with a lion I wouldn't put a clown, or humu since those are the most aggresive. I would go with a pink tail, bluethroat, or another docile trigger, not the one of the most aggresive triggers.