which triggers play nicely?


Active Member
which triggers get along? i want a clown trigger and possibly another species for an aggressive tank i'm setting up. the other two i'm considering are an undulated or a picasso. any words of wisdom?


I would not put a clown trigger in with a huma huma trigger. Both will be very aggressive as they mature. When combinding anything with an undulate, is going to be a gamble. If you dont want any problems and want an undulate, keep it as a single specimen in a large tank. I would personally pick one of the 3 for a large tank, and work from there for additional livestock.


Active Member
i didn't realize that undulated triggers were similar to clown triggers in their aggressiveness. so then would a undulated get along with a lion and a pork? i know that it's always a gamble, but what are the chances...


What will probably end up happening is the undulate will pick at the lions fins and probably eventually kill it. They are unpredictable. Of course there are exceptions and people have had sucessful combinations but i think they are down right brutal.



Originally posted by briggs6pack
Make sure you don't get a huma huma instead of the picasso. They are very similar and I've noticed that a lot of lfs identify them wrong.

The Picasso and the Humu-Humu are the same fish. The only REAL difference is that actual "Humuhumunukunukuapuaha" come specifically from Hawaii - it's their state fish. The name "Picasso" Triggerfish is given to the same species found anywhere else than Hawaii. But they are the same genus and species, Rhinecanthus aculeatus, just from different areas.
I had never heard there was a difference in behavior between "the two".


I have a clown trigger in a tank with a Stars & Stripes puffer, Soldierfish, and two bar gobies. They all do very well together.


Active Member
Unduluted and the Clown are pretty much the most aggressive triggers you can get...
The term "huma huma" is usually associated with the Picasso Rhinecanthus aculeatus...however...it is sometimes associated with Rhinecanthus rectangulus or Rectangular Triggerfish..both are cool fish...


briggs6pack - Some fish do have different markings. The book you had read may be mistaken or out-of-date. I have a humu with a Passer Angel and Lunare Wrasse and he is the most timid - hiding some of the time even. Some may have had different experiences.
From my experince I wouldn't put an Undulated Trigger in a tank with any fish, that is the meanest fish i have every seen. It was attacking my fish as soon as I introduced him. Also I my dad has owned many Clown Triggers over the years and he's never had an aggresive one, and neitehr have I out of the two I've had. I WOULD go with a Clown and Huma Huma, until i introduced the Undulated that pair got along really well.


They might get along good when they are both juveniles. They will both start to mature and get more aggressive. I think eventually there would be some big aggression problems.