Which water for new 72 bowfront?

bama man

I don't have a RO/DI yet. I have been using treated tap for my 30 g but I don't want to use it in my new setup. I read on these boards that you can use Walmart bottled water? Which one distilled or their bottled drinking water? Neither label says anything about being RO water. They say something about being carbon filtered or something. Also, I don't have to dechlorinate the bottled water right? Just add my IO mix and aereate it?
I plan on getting a RODI unit in the near future. My 30g has brown algae and I read that the tap water could have caused it? I have been doing changes and using a turkey baster to try and get rid of it but after a couple days it came back. I left the lights off all day today and it looks better this evening. Let me know which water to get as I hope to at least get the water in it this weekend.


I buy the kind called drinking water. it does say RO on it and sometimes it also says DI which is really good for your tank.


I used distilled before rodi and it worked fine. The salt mix will provide the nutrients. Then I used rodi unit. Now I use nutri-seawater no mixing required. This is not cheap 12 dollars a jug 4.4 gallons each. The good things are well balanced nutrients, time conservation, 5 gal buckets arent all over the place and the zeros you want on all those chem tests. I've never had better water quality only been doing salty tanks for about a year and a half though.


Active Member
The last drinking water I got from wallyworld said RO filtered on the front label in small letters...near the bottom, I think. Seems like it had a green label.
Originally Posted by Bama Man
Also, I don't have to dechlorinate the bottled water right?
That is correct.
Originally Posted by Bama Man

Just add my IO mix and aereate it?