Which Wet/Dry????Skimmer???


I have a 75 gallon setup that is a little over a month old. I am working toward a reef tank a little at a time. I curently have
live sand
about 65 pounds of LR
1 Firefish Goby
1 Royal Grama
2 Aquacultured Percula Clowns
1 Coral Beauty
30 Hermits
5 Turbo Snails
Lights are Coralife 260 Watt with all 4 bulbs 10K
Have another 260 Watt retrofit on the way.
1 Penguin 1140 Power Head
Now to the filter. I currently have 2 Emperor 400's and a Fluval 404 (also just to add, when I changed from fresh to salt my LFS traded all 4 of my BioWheels for 4 from the tanks in the store to help kick the cycle)
I know its probally not a must do to switch to a Wet/Dry and my tank coulden't be more clear than it is now.
One reason I want to switch because I need to add a skimmer and right now I have no more room to hang anything.
I would like it for the top skimming
I hate all the tiny bubbles from the Fluval and the two Emperors
I would like to get some things out of sight and in the bottom like the heater and such.
Now finally to the question. Is any one Wet/Dry filter better than the other? I was wanting something in the 150 Gallon range. Are the ones with the built in skimmers any good? Are the skimmers that are built in any good? Are the ones like the Bio Rocker or TidePools any good?
If you tell me NO the built in skimmers are no good and to just go with the Wet/Dry and buy the skimmer then what do you recommend.
Thanks ahead of time for any replys, just a newbie trying to learn.
Also thanks for the great board
Oh and on another note I do have a 10 gallon QT tank set up and is used for each new addition.
I would have never known how important this was had not I stumbled upon these boards doing searches on the internet.
not one of my LFS ever mentioned this to me.