which would you go with?


New Member
2X250 Halide + 4X65W actinic + moon for a 75 gallon acrylic reef or 2X150 HQI + 2X96 actinic with moon? Is the first too much power or is there no such thing?
Price difference is $150....


Active Member
if you want clams and sps then the first one. you may need a chiller though.
if you only want zoas and soft corals the second one will be fine and you could probably get away with fans.


New Member
really a chiller? It has a fan and it is about 8 inches above an acrylic tank with egg crate on the top of it?


Active Member
you may be able to get away with a fan with the 2x 250s. do you have ac in the room the tank is in? if you keep that room at a relatively cool temp. then youll be fine.


Active Member
Go with the first one: if they are DE make sure you have a UV shield.
There is no such thing as too much light!


Active Member
150w de is supposed to be the same output as the 250 se halide isnt it? I would go for the second one. The HQI run cooler and more efficient. Lower electricity bill, fewer heat problems. which one is the cheaper one? IMO they are both more than enough so I would go with the cheaper one if they are the same company.