while in qt?


New Member
i have an ich problem
.....while i have my fish in a qt tank doing hypo treatment on them i was thinking of adding a couple of cleaner shrimp and or snails and crabs to help with the regular cleaning.....any tips on what and how many .......i have a 90 gallon tank....fish (which are in qt for a few more weeks) include. blue tang, yellow tang, coulpe of clowns and couple of damsels. the Dt has some feather dusters and live rock... can i put the new additions in now while the fish are out or should i put them in a seperate tank for awhile?.........last option wait till the fish have been put back?


If the tank is fully cycled then there is no reason not to add the shrimp and snails to the DT. Just be sure that there is something there for them to eat.
Also that seems like a big fish list to add all at once. Are they all in QT's?
How many tanks do you have for QT's and are all the fish in the QT right now?


New Member
the tank was up and running for 4 months and all was good.....i then added a blue tang without qt it for any time.....it wents straight in and a day later i noticed it had ich....after geting advise on this page i have began hypo in a seperate tank.....all fish are in the hypo tank and the live rock and feather dusters are still in the display tank....my question is ..i would like to get some cleaner shrimp, snails and maybe some crabs....can i put them in the dt now or in a third qt tank?....or would it be better to hold off on any new additions untill later?


Now would be the best time to add the inverts. Ich can come in on them as well, but without fish in the tank the parasites will die. I wouldn't add the fish back in until three weeks after you add the inverts.


And what size is the QT tank?
I still say you are asking for trouble with that many fish in a QT unless it is huge.