While not one of the epic tanks, my first tank, 67 gallons


I've been wanting a salt water tank for about a year but, alas, I'm a poor, starving college student who doesn't have ~$1.5k start-up. However, I was searching craigslist last week and found a 67 gallon tank with two skimmers, a rear-hanging filter, two heaters, two pumps, salt, 40 gallons of dead live rock, test kits, and some food for $250. I've been working my butt off for other extra jobs around town to get the money as quickly as possible, and I managed to buy the tank thursday. Ever since, I've been working and working on the tank. Here's the tank and the stand I custom built for it.

Tomorrow I add salt after draining part of it. I'll let the salt dissolve properly, then go out and buy some live sand and regular sand, and a chunk of live rock. After that, I plan on putting down the live sand and live rock, mixing in the regular sand, and adding the dead live rock. After that, I'll let it cycle for a few weeks and let the bacteria in the rock and sand spread. I'll also be adding a few tiny, cheap fish from the LFS to help get the tank balanced and to be the proverbial canary for when I mess up chemicals. I still need to go buy two pumps to work on circulation and help everything work out. But I think I'm on the right path right now. Anyone with suggestions? I built the shelf without any plans, but it seems very sturdy. I'm happy with it all, so far.


Active Member
nice find. i think if you buy smart stuff that any tank (including yours) can be one of those "epic tanks". it should be interesting to see how the tank turns out. make shure you research here before you buy, and good luck with the new tank! it looks like you are on the right track so far so keep us posted


Originally Posted by PrevWon
Looking good! Where do you go to school at?
Western Washington University in Bellingham, WA. Possibly not the best time to buy a tank as there's a chance I'm moving in a few months, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Also, I'm kind of dumb and I'd love a chance to attempt to move a tank and all that's alive in it successfully.


interesting. According to all gallon calculators I tried, this tank is actually 105 gallons. That opens up even more dimensions for what I want to do with it.


just remeasured. It's 45x18x24. That'd make it 85 gallons. I have two thermometers in it right now getting the temperature to 76F, and then once it hits there, I'm draining out about ten gallons of water and adding salt. When it clears, in goes live rock and live sand.


Active Member
Looks like the bgginings of an epic tank to me. 85g is a good size. my tank is only 75g and I like to think of it as epic. especially with all the time and effort I have put into it. yours will start to feel that way to you too.


I now have two working pumps with a third on the way and a tank full of salted water. As soon as this stuff settles in and the temperature drops down a little (had a run-in with a faulty heater pumping the temp up to 85), live rock and live sand will be moving in for a stay.


they are all "epic" tanks! Everyone has their own ideas, pocketbook size, and opportunity...You have a great start there! like any tank..it's only a matter of time...keep us posted! It will be interesting to see what you do with it!



That's the latest update with rock and sand. The live rock is actually dead, sat around in a garage for way too long. But I added Bio-Metra and live sand, so it should stabalize out. I hope it all grows well. My salinity is pretty high currently. I think my reader might be off. I read it at 1.027, the LFS read it at 1.032. I'm going to be doing daily 5gal changes until I get it down to 1.024.