white alevopora


Active Member
Head is about 2x3inch , stalk is approx 6inch long. Bright white , hard to get good pic it's so bright! 25.00 + shipping



Active Member
Thank's ! actually I have 3 other pieces also, but I don't want to part with all of them


Active Member
Hate to do this to you but it looks like it's dieing. It's severely bleached, not fully open, and alveoporas rarely last more than a year anyway.


Active Member
thank for blowing my sale .... by the way I have had this awhile, it is not dying or "bleached out" please learn more b4 you comment neg. on someones thread!! I can't believe you could be that rude....and misinformed!!!!!!!! i will check with SWF the see if this is considered proper.


Active Member
I just really cant believe you !!!! Got a news flash, been doing SWF prob since you were in diapers, if you have anything to say....1st do you'r homework JR and 2nd save it for you'r own thread


Active Member
Hey ci11337 I see that you and coral are both 15ys old huh? that's nice that after alllllll them years in the hobby you have learned enough to try to embarrass me. I got news for you both , I have fish tanks that are actually older than you and I have fish that have been alive longer then you two claim to have been in the hobby. thanks for your insight!

coral keeper

Active Member
Like I said in the PM, I am very sorry. I never knew there was such a thing as healthy white coral. Can we please just drop this?


Active Member
Ok coral I am also sorry.....and yes by all means we can drop this!!! to show you a sign of good will i will send you a free frag if you PM me with your address...shipping on you of couurse


this is 2 threads that were bad mouthing and negative if I see another all parties doing the bickering will get an infraction enough if you have a problem with a post PM a moderator and we will take a look at it. This was childish that it went this far in not one BUT 2 different threads!!