White Bug in tank


Recently, I have discovered a small, about the size of a fingernail, white bug crawling around the rocks. I only see it when I turn on the lights, as it scurries for cover. If anyone knows what this is or what it comes from. I have just recently noticed it, but have not added any new liverock atleast a few months.


I have had the same little bug only on the live rock tiny little bugger looks like an ant or something but I will say this he was there in the tank in the pet shop i work in for a year before setting up my tank and no harm to the fish along with bristel worms


yeah, the pics look like it: so do I need to do anything? one site said that it will attach itself to my fish and kill them. What should I do?


Active Member
if it is a pod, it's a good thing. actually, there's a couple that could be considered 'bad'. but copepods and amphipods are good because many fish will eat them.


Active Member
they come in on live rock and live sand. and if conditions are good, they will multiply like crazy. they are good because they will eat unwanted algae, and they are a natural live food for fish.....most dragonets will eat ONLY pods. plus, pods multiplying is a sign that your tank is progressing nicely.