white bumps


I have two ocellaris and a yellow tang that have white/brown bumps on their bodies. They have been there for quite a while. Some appear to have healed and left a brown flat scar. They got worse when i lowered the salinity to treat black ich. Its been a month and I'm raising it back up now but the bumps don't appear to be going away. The ich is gone but what can be done about the bumps?


Staff member
Did the brown bumps appear after the white spots? Do you know if your fihs had ick, or black spot disease? What are the sizes of these bumps and locations? How many bumps?


Yes, the brown bumps appeared after the white bumps. They are round and about the size of a pin head. The yellow tang had black spots, but no ich. There are approximatelly 10 bumps on each side of the fish. They are mostly on the upper part of the body and face. The fins are not really affected, a bump appeared every so often on the fins, but would disappear with no scar. The bumps spread from the clowns to the tang.
If its for your 75 gallon i recommend getting aleast 2 cleaner shrimp to take care of these bumbs if they are parasites bvut i really cant help you if you dont explain better but i think thye coudl very well be parasites.


The spots are round and slightly irregular. They have been present for nearly 2 months on the tang and much longer on the clowns. The specific gravity was 1.009 for 1 month. The tang rarely scratches (I've only seen it a couple times in the last month). Now that the specific gravity is back to normal the spots have improved but are not gone. Could someone explain the procedure for a formalin dip?


Staff member
Why don't you leave well enough alone at this point? Unless you or us can identify what this brown spot issue is, then no treatment seems better to me than treating with extremely toxic and stressfull formaldehyde dips.
Could these bumps be scars from previous injuries? Are they raised? Can you look at these thru a magnifying glass and perhaps see something more than you can see with the

eye that would help pinpoint the problem?
[ December 12, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]