White Cheek Moray Eel Info.


Good morning to all
I was at my LFS this weekend and they had several white cheek moray eels. I have kept severat types of eels in the past and was looking for something new and something that did not get that big. So i purchased one of the white cheeks. I have the eel in a 20 gallon tank with a 1.25" pvc hab-a trail set-up. This provides the eel with lots of hiding area as well as 6 differen opening for the eel to swim in and out of. The set-up looks cool. The think is I cant seem to find very much info on this eel on the web. Is there anyone out there who could offer some info to me. I m going go on treating ths eel like every other one I ever had. I will post some picture later this week of my tank set-up.


Active Member
i use thi s sit e to reference ll of my fish and the housing and feeding needs this is a scientific site for identification purposes but once you find your species scroll to the bottom of that page and click on the lists. they provide information on the most reported of species and will have its natural diet size references ect.i always find it to be helpful in determining each fishes needs to ensure i can care for them properly
ps these specify size of each species that have been reported but not all recorded i documentation but listed in metrics
you can use this conversion chart to confert metric measurment to get lenghts in inches and feet


According to several web sights that I did fing they recomend a 20 gallon tank. I found a lot of information on the technical name Echidna Rhodochilus.


If it was allowed that I could show you a link here I would. But even that this eel not grow as large I'm to say that it not would fair so well after a number of months in a 20 and that this eel does better that is in brackish waters even that it can be keep in all three environments.


True!! the eel does do better in brackish water. I did add some salt to the water a will very very slowly add more salt to the water until I reach the brackish water salinity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beerkegman
True!! the eel does do better in brackish water. I did add some salt to the water a will very very slowly add more salt to the water until I reach the brackish water salinity.
you may find that he will do better in full sw .if he is a true moray eel then the species will only feed in fresh and brackish waters but then return again to the full marine enviroment as for the above scientific name that was put up that eel is refered to as th white faced eel not the white cheek