white cloudy water ?


Active Member
my water has turned cloudy white.
i did a water change but didnt help
what would cause white water?
i dont have any corals dying.
io know there was a thread about this recently but cant find it


there is something decaying in the tank....either due to uneaten food or dead livestock. You will need to find the source and remove it.
What is your specific water parameters?
probably need to do a large water change


Active Member
i dont know what could be dying in there all fish are good i really dont have corals just lr with some mushrooms and some polyps .
200 lbs of lr nothing looks sick.
i have a fuge with chato and it looks fine.
the water was tested a day before the white started and checked perfect.
i will do a water change today
i replaced the carbon yesterday and just looked ,the water seems to be alot clearer .
i will look again when i get home from work


New Member
do you dose kalkwasser? I had an overdose of Kalk recently and it turned the enitre tank white, almost like milk. I was freaking out and did many water changes over a few days. Thought i was going to lose everything. It took about 4 days before the tank totally cleared up. And guess what - everything lived and is fine - corals & fish.


Active Member
no kalk
i came home from work and the tank has cleared half way.
need to do a water change still.
still cant figure out what caused this


Active Member
Sounds like maybe a bacteria bloom, keep running carbon it will clear. It seems like I have read that water changes only fuel it. Don't know first hand if that is true though. I would just keep running the filters, power heads, carbon and let it clear itself.


Active Member
i checked the water and it tests perfect.
the water has cleared alot almost totally.
funny you mentioned the sand .
i was thinking that too cause my maroon clown pushes sand around with his tail but it was really white not tan at all.
anyway it seems to be clearing .
weird just when you think you figured it all out .
always learning but still wished i knew what it was.