White Condys turning brown.


I have three white condys for about a month now. They seem fine, eating and always open. Two of them, however, are starting to turn a light brownish color in some areas. What may be the cause of this? Thanks for your advice, TT.


I am not positive, but I think that is a good sign. From what I've heard, anemones turn white when they are unhealthy and lacking nutrition. I think turning more brown means he is getting what he needs in terms of water quality and other requirements.


Active Member
anemones take alot of lighting, they also require really good water conditions so a good skimmer is a must.
circulation is also must.
i do not think that turning brown is a good thing.i could be wrong but i have never heard of this.
i have heard of some "dealers" that put food dye in the water to make the anemone a certain color though. most unlikely i would think.
i'm sure someone will give better advice than i'm capable, ;)


My water conditions are acceptable (from what I know): Nitrates 15ppm, salt. 0.123, and strong currents. My lighting includes 3 strips of lights: 1 Power glo, 1 Life glo, and 1 Marine glo. Hmmm.


Active Member
i am reading from a article i found. it is way to big to post here and the info is scattered.
it does say that the nitrates should be below 10ppm. and that mh lighting the best.
i'm not formiliar with your lighting,sorry.
but you have a 135g? it will take alot of light.
sorry i cannot be of more help. ;)


Your lights are not sufficent IMO
All lights that you mentioned are NO.
A anennome is a high light demanding animal. The condy's are probably the least demanding but I think you should have more light.....
That being said how about a little more info on your set up??
A 135, just following the watt per gallon rule (which is BS) needs over 800 Watts of light. An Atlantic annenome is probly the easiest to keep but their needs must be fufilled.
IMO Darryl
[ July 20, 2001: Message edited by: TNReef ]


My lfs clerk knew what sort of lighting I had, and felt that condys were 'tough' enough. Although they seem to be doing fine, the color change does not seem normal. I will be returning them back to my dealer this weekend. Thanks for all your advice, TT.


Active Member
All I can say is what I have seen myself with the one Condylactis I keep.
If you check out this link - you'll see how mine looked in September 2000 vs. May 2001.
In approximately 8 months - it went through a several stages of "turning" colors. Started out very white with tan tips and now is mostly a tannish color.
Pink tips now as well as you'll see.
I think you'd be wise to either upgrade your lights or return them if they appear to be unhealthy.
Good luck