White coralline?


Anyone know if there is a name for the white stuff growing with the purple coralline? For all I know it might be coralline.. just white. My idea of corraline was purple.. But the white stuff looks great too!!.. Ya know I think my liverock is the coolest part of my whole tank. I hated it when I spent $6lb on it. but doing it all over I would have bought another 50lbs.. :D


The pic is bad but I get the idea yes it looks similar. i would think that the LR is dying BUT I have awesome coralline growth. and the white/yellow stuff looks very very healty. Not sure that it is. but it looks like a $20 coral on all of my LR, ANYone have any ideas as to what causes this?? and how I can duplicate it?? ie. calcium.. algae.. light?? anything?


New Member
I have heard that dead coralline would turn white as well. I have live rock in a fairly new tank. (2 months)And have been adding MARINE LIQUID CALCIUM PLUS and MARINE SUPPER SYNERGIST the last few weeks. WOW, the old coralline is looking great, new is appearing (colored) and plenty of whitish pink is appearing were there was nothing before. My guess is that it is new coralline growth.


Active Member
There are some sponges and sea squirts that are white and will sometimes pop up on lr. Just an idea....


There is a type that is white (off-white yellowish color) that came on my LR and covered an entire rock. It's just a different species than the purple. There is also pink, green..etc. When purple dies it is a chalk white color btw.


Starfish is describing it right. IT looks just like the purple stuff only its off white. Its in its own little place mixed in with the purple. But it looks really healthy not like dying Coralline or anything.


Active Member
Coraline turns white when it is dead. I have yet to see it anyother way. When I was my pumps and skimmer, most of the coraline cannot survive the freshwater and cleaners and turns white.


Terrible picture. still havent gotten into aquaria photogrophy yet. :D

[ December 14, 2001: Message edited by: DAluminum ]


I have a piece of LR that is totally covered in the same stuff... mine is sorta light greenish white(very descripitve)..LOL I am very interested in answers too.


I have noticed that it is very calcium and light dependant (duh). I also am very displeased with Instant Ocean taking magnesium out of the mix to make it dissolve faster (thanks but no thanks). I found that adding a magnesium supplement helped purple grow like MAD.


Magnesium.. that makes ALOT of sense. I addes some caulpera to my sump and started noticing the dying corraline just a few days later. and Caulpera (sp?) uses lots of magnesium... huh.. whoda thunk it.. guessI need to go buy some magnesium.. anyone know serving suggestions?? is mag something you test for or is it done at randomn? Not a paramater Im familian with.


Active Member
Sorry guys, I only use Instant Ocean and I have a purple tank.
The problem is your water condition.


Active Member
HI, I also only use instant ocean with no problems. It is your water condidition or lights, lack there of. I would add calcium, you want it to be around 450. That should do the trick!