White Cottonball on fin (hope board is fixed) now have picture


New Member
We just got a small hippo tang from our lfs and it looks like his fin got damaged. The problem is now it is growing a white cottonball looking substance where the damage was. It this the healing process or an infection from the damage? We are fairly new to Marine and I know we should have quarantined but he is already in the tank and with the live rock almost impossible to catch without doing more damage. Any suggestions as to what this is and if it needs to be treated?

Thanks in advance
[ November 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gailen ]
[ November 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gailen ]


New Member
He is now in quarantine, thanks for the soda bottle suggestion. What kind of treatment would you suggest.
[ November 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gailen ]


Staff member
That picture did not look like a white cottonball to me. Also, it looks like its on the body not fin. Was the pic distorted? I had a hippo tang too that developed HLLE [head and lateral line erosion]. When it first stared it looked somewhat like that pic. Sorta like poc marks.
Is the effected area right on the fin? Or is it actually on the body of the fish protruding off the fish's flesh and fluffed? That is fungas. However, in HLLE the surface of the skin will look eroded, the scales gone revealing the under skin. Get a magnifying glass to get a close look at the area.
Did you notice this when you picked out the fish? If the area is on the tip of the fin, I would suggest that you try cutting it off, then treating it with antifungal and antibotic meds.
[ November 02, 2001: Message edited by: Beth ]

class clown

It's very hard to tell from the picture, but from the description it sounds to me like Cauliflower disease. Thankfully, this disease is rarely fatal and causes very little or no stress at all to the fish. If water conditions are maintained at their best then the fish's immune system will fight the virus. If you really want to cut it off with a scapel, then be careful that the fish doesn't develop any new infections on its fresh open wound. Medications as suggested on the post above can help prevent this. If I were you, and if I knew for sure it was cauliflower, I would leave the fish alone for a while and see if the condition improves by itself before performing any treatment. Then again, blue tangs aren't really known for their strong inmune systems...
Good luck!


New Member
Thanks for your help all, I am going to leave it alone for now, it is just on the tip of his fin, he is looking very heathy otherwise and eating everything in site. I will keep you all informed.
Thanks again.


You may also have parasites on your fish. I have had White cotton like parasites on my fish as well as blue star. A lot of people will say this is it for the fish. UNTRUE. I've had great success and beaten parasitic infection ... All you need to do is feed fish "Tetra" Anti-parasitic medicated sticks, and treat with salt water Maroxy. It says[maroxy], will treat fungus etc.., But does wonders for fish with the food. Read directions on both.