do they move? If not they might be snail eggs, I have those everywhere. get a magnifying glass and have a closer look. Youll probably know right away what they are then.
they are probably either snail eggs.. or more likely tiny feather dusters (worms)
look real real close.. if they have a spiral shape to them they are tiny feather dusters... if you look close enough you might even see them poke out...
if they are snail eggs they will look rounder and like they are encased in a jellyish substance.
If they move around a bit, they are copepods. If they look like they have a little fan coming out and it's in a spiral shell, they are little tiny Spirorbid worms. Snail eggs are in zig-zag shape or a string of white stuff.
Copepods - Keep in mind this is an extremely magnified photo.
Spirorbid worms - they also include those small little white dots.
agreed. Some snails do lay them all over the place, and some snails release gametes into high water flow areas. So - I'm wondering what it could be. Really do need a pic to have a positive ID.
Who knows, could be limpets even, lol.
Thank you all for your help it seems i have a jealous friend who doesnt like my tank so he decided to break off pieces of styrofoam.And if anyone is wondering yes i kick his u know what up and down the street.