white dots, not worms, not jellyfish, not pods..


I left for about 3 hours and came back with about 30 white dots on 3 of the 4 walls of my tank. I watched a snail move over one and it didn't disappear or smear. I've been watching them closely to see if they're moving at all but it doesn't look like it. They don't have tentacles and aren't spirals, so not jellyfish or worms. They're just these tiny white dots with a thicker whiteness in the middle. I added my first fish last night, royal gramma, and he's doing fine. Does this have anything to do w/the addition of a fish to the tank? What are they???


I took some pics of the spots. They're definitely not moving. Anyone have any idea?

Umm... why aren't the pictures working??


Nope not purple, pure white with a very slightly offwhite center. Although there is a little bit of magenta on the glass and live rock now. My tank finished cycling ( :D ) would the white dots have anything to do with that? There are probably close to 30-50 of them, just on 3 of the walls, and they popped up while I was gone for 3 hours.

ky reefer

i dont know much but i think it was apart of the cycling becuase mine did the same thing and went away after a while but they werent a problem. you might have something diff but thats what it looks like to me. nice tank


Active Member
I dont know about the dots. But I see you have astrea snails "I wish I had never gotten mine they fall off rocks and die all the time" I have given up on them let my bumble bees eat them.


Hopefully you're right. And thanks :) my skunk cleaner shrimp and royal gramma seem to be enjoying it. I just counted all the white dots on the side wall and front, no way of telling how many are on the back side cus the rock is covering up a lot of it. There are 63 on the front and 30 on the side. I don't think any have moved.


I haven't had any trouble with the astreas yet. They all clumped on each other when I first put them in the tank but I separated them onto all the rocks and they've pretty much just stayed in those spots.


I just noticed that one of my pieces of lace rock is covered in the white dots too, but it doesn't look like any of the other ones are... :notsure:


Active Member
I vaguely recall having these dots on my tank years ago. I believe they are barnacles and you can scrape them off with a razor blade. If they are hard and feel like bumps, then probably are barnacles.