White dots on wall?

I noticed yesterday when i was scrubbing the tank there were these little white dots stuck on the side of the tank. I wouldn't of thought much at first but it took a bit of elbow grease to get them off. I started to wonder if it was harmful. All the fish are happy and hearty n looking good. Is there a problem?:help:


I have been told by the guy who owns my LFS that anything that is not on the fish is not bad for the fish. However, if you have coral or anything else in the tank then it might be a different story. I have seen white things on the side of my tank, some move and some dont. How big are they? These things I am refering to are very small. IMO I wouldnt think they are bad, just keep an eye out to see if anything else appears out of the ordinary.


New Member
I have White spots on the inside of my aquarium and I have snails. Everyone pretty much said it was Snail eggs, but I have been watching them and they haven't done anything yet (no movement or anything). They haven't been harming the fish, its just annoying cuz it's all over the glass.


Active Member
I forgot what they are called, but I believe you are talking about some type of harmless filter feeder. I have them all over the back wall.
Maybe someone will refresh my memory on what they're called. :confused:


Spirorbidae worms, a harmless filter feeder.
- If you look very close, you should see a spiral shape formed from their body.

nemo lover

I had that once someone told me it could be calcium deposits. Not really sure but eventually went away on its own.


I have these white dots too. Some look like worms, and i've been told the larger ones are calcium deposits. The larger dots, (Calcium deposits) have turned a shade of dark purple.


I was just noticing those the other day, but only on the back glass. I scrubbed some off. At first it appeared that they were bubbles adhering to the back wall. I guess now with all of this talk, I need to look closer to see if they do look like worms.
well i also notcied when i first turn on the lights in the am there are like these little jellyfish looking things sticking to the glass and after 20 mins of the liughts being on there gone. Are they related somehow?


I have the same things on my aquarium walls. They are white and spiral. I have two turbo snails so I was thinking that they were snail eggs. Will they hatch? Should I get rid of them?


New Member
If they are spiral then they are probably Spirorbidae worms. I looked at mine with a magnifiing glass and none of them had a spiral shape. Attached is a picture of a Spirorbidae worm someone attached on another thread.