white fake coral wanted


setting up a tank in my office waiting room, want to put all white fake coral in as there is not time to mess with other stuff beyond the fish themselves.
Anyone have all white fake corals and pics of them? Prices? Thank you, many kids will appreciate it!
You can leave your email if you like, or phone number and I'll contact you, thanks. (Big and small stuff, all good...thank you.)


I have some that I have been meaning to sell. Where are you located? I am in Northern Virginia. Some of the pieces are skeleton coral and I am not sure if those would survive shipping. Feel free to email me at peggyswalve@hotmail.com for more information. In the mean time, I will take some pictures for you.
OK- after rereading your post, do you mean fake coral (as in plastic resin) or dead coral? Mine is dead coral.


I am located in Wisconsin. Dead coral is fine too, great actually, I just want all white.
Thanks, I'll email you.


I will take pictures tonight and post them when I get home from work.


Here are the pictures of the white dead coral. The second and third pictures are the same pieces but taken from different angles. I also have a bag full of broken pieces similar to the pieces in the first picture that I will throw in if you want those also. If you are interested, email me at peggyswalve@hotmail.com, and we can discuss price and shipping.



I have a huge peice of white plate coral... prolly 2.5 feet by 2.5 feet if you are interested I will post a pic.


I know of a seller , prices are kinda high but its table quality. Nice guy i met and seen his workshop. I bought a couple pieces from him. protex3 at the famous auction site


I have a fairly large piece of dried coral ( white) I dont know what kind it is but if you are interested in it I will find out. I started out with crushed coral and used it to decorate when I first started.


New Member
I have a couple- one really large piece about 12" across and some smaller pieces. I'll get some pics this weekend. Where about in WI- I'm NW of Milw about 45m.


New Member
Sorry it took so long- here are the pics:
Large coral is about 12" x 7", smaller pieces are about 4-5" long. Large piece has two smaller pieces that are broken off, but sit into the center of the skeleton. They could be epoxied in place if desired.
I'm asking $35 for the large and $25 for the rest.



Dont take this the wrong way but you can find coral like that in south florida at the beach and for 35$ you can buy most live corals-


New Member
No offense taken- but here in Wisconsin, we can't find corals like this on OUR beaches. :)
The largest one in the stores is probably >$100. It's about the size of a basketball.
And for $35, you would get some mushrooms on a rock.


wow guys thats crazy!!! I thought you guys up north had alot of corals etc. Seems to me like I should pick up some coral and start selling it at that price. You can get alot online at saltwater fish even for 35$.