White Film on my Percula


This morning I noticed like a white film on one of my Perculas. Does anyone know what this is?


Staff member
Hello, can you post up more details about the problem, the fish and your tank. Is this a new fish?
Take a look at the How To Post In The Disease Forum thread at the top of this forum and post up as much info as you can. It help us to see if we can ID the problem.


75 gallons
wet/dry filter
125# live rock
tank cycled
0 ammonia
0 nitrite
20 nitrate
20+ hermits
1 banded coral shrimp
3 peppermint
perc in for about a week (the dead one, he died today)
perc in for three days (the live one that is breathig heavy)
I do not have a QT but I did dip both and acclimated both..


My perc died... I have one more perc that is breathing heavy....I analyzed the dead perc and notice many little bugs and a part on the body was eaten? Are these parasites? Are they always going to harm my fish? What can I do to eiliminate?


The "bugs" were very small.....I don't think they were pods...
My water quality is good. I added about 90 #'s of rock two weeks ago. I cured the rock myself. I test the water routinely and have 0 amm...0 nitrites, 20 nitrates...I am dripping kalk also. I have a skimmer...I do water changes ....
I have one perc remaining and it does NOT have the white film but it seems to be breathing heavy and doesn't eat. I tried to feed it brine yesterday and he ignored it...


Active Member
Sorry to hear of your loss.
The bugs probably are just looking for a free meal and are serving as a cleanup crew. It is unlikely that they killed the fish as you didn't see them attached when the fish was sick.
I would be concerned about brooklynella. Does the white film look like the picture in the Basic FAQ sticky at the top of this forum? This disease is very common in clownfish. If so formalin treatments are the treatment of choice.


Yeah, it looks like brooklynella. My question now is, Is my other perc going to get it? It has been acting weird since I put it into the tank.. (breathing heavy and not swimming around) but it doesn't have the white film....I acclimated the fish properly and my water chemistry is excellent... Maybe just a bad fish?


Active Member

Originally posted by aiber
Yeah, it looks like brooklynella. My question now is, Is my other perc going to get it? It has been acting weird since I put it into the tank.. (breathing heavy and not swimming around) but it doesn't have the white film....I acclimated the fish properly and my water chemistry is excellent... Maybe just a bad fish?

No, definitely not "just a bad fish". Brooklynella is very contagious, so it's more than likely this fish has it, too. You should set up a QT tank for him, keep a close eye on him to see any symptoms that develop, and start with the formalin baths that are described in the sticky up top. Good luck and keep everyone informed.


Active Member
I agree with schneidts. The other clownfish is probably already infected. Heavy breathing is often an early symptom before the white film develops.


My perc is still alive...He has stayed about the same...Breathing heavy and staying low behind the rocks....
Does he have a chance?
Oh yeah, he isn't eating...


Active Member
If he's not eating and breathing heavy, that's not great. Have you QT'd him yet, and if so, have you started with the formalin dips?


four percs have died on me...
From what I have read, it seems like they all died from Brooklynella...Will I ever be able to have percs in my tank? Will Brook hurt other types of fish like tangs? Please someone help...


Active Member
So sorry to hear about your percs. Yes, other fish are vulnerable to brook., too. You will be able to have clowns again, but not for 4-6 weeks. This is how long the tank needs to be free of all fish for the brooklynella to die. What other fish do you have in there right now?


Active Member
I would definitely get them into a QT. How do they all look? I would expect that the gramma is showing symptoms...


They are all looking great, so far...Today I bought a ten gallon tank and stress coat and Cure-ick. I am going to use stress coat in my show tank and the cure ick in my QT (when/if my fish show symptoms)...