White film on the surface of my tank


Since its summer time, I went ahead and removed the glass cover of my tank and put in the eggcrate cover in its place. I noticed that there a white film covering the surface of my tank. I changed my wateroutput to point more on the surface of the water to get more waves so hopefully it will help. But anyone has the same problem? How bad is this?
I have a 46G bowfront. My chem looks great. any advise?


Active Member
Originally Posted by newbie68
Since its summer time, I went ahead and removed the glass cover of my tank and put in the eggcrate cover in its place. I noticed that there a white film covering the surface of my tank. I changed my wateroutput to point more on the surface of the water to get more waves so hopefully it will help. But anyone has the same problem? How bad is this?
I have a 46G bowfront. My chem looks great. any advise?
Totally natural...I believe its from feedings, that's why we skim from the surface of the water. Do you have an overflow? I would just agitate the surface a bit more, which will also help cool the tank and allow better gas exchange.


I had the same problem, I don't have an overflow I just have a drilled tank with a PVC pipe up to my water line. What I noticed that the problem was the piece that I used to strain the water going in to my sump was straining alittle too much so I opened the holes a little bigger. Problem solved = )


I had the same problem until I got my skimmer.
Maybe point your powerhead up towards the water so it'll cause a rippling effect?