Originally Posted by
looks like lympho, but...
Some things to be included in your original post/question;
1. State the problem as you see it and provide details.
2. List symptoms...white spots, not eating, labored breathing, etc.
3. How long the fish has been exhibiting these symptoms.
4. What is in the tank; other fish, live rock, corals, inverts.
5. State the tank size, and how long the tank has been up and running.
5. Diet; what are you feeding the fish, and do you use any supplements like selcon, zoe, zoecon or garlic.
6. How long have you had the particular fish and have there been any new additions.
7. Was the fish quarantined prior to placing it in your main tank, and do you have a quarantine tank that you can use? EVERYONE SHOULD!!!)
8. Have you tried any treatments thus far before posting here. And, if so, describe what you have done.
9. Water parameters!!! ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, temperature and salinity. These are very important to know. Please don't say "my water quality is good". Give real numbers. It could be the key to solving the problem.
1. White fuzz hanging from the back fin of the fish
2. Fish eats, is swimming fine, no laboured breathing
3. Bought the fish at the beginning of this month. Symptoms showed about 2 1/2 weeks ago.
4. Tank is 10 gal nano, running for just about 4 yrs now, 12 pounds rock approx, black and white saddleback clown added the same time no signs on this this, BTA, several mushrooms, 2 toadstool leathers, 1 coral banded shrimp, 1 large turbo snail, 1 cowrie.
5. I feed, flake, frozen brineshrimp, frozen mysis shrimp, pellets
6. Like mentioned above bought them both beginning of Sept
7. No, because these are the only fish in the tank.
8. No treatment tried yet
9. ammonia = 0, nitrite = 0, nitrate = 0, ph = 8.2, temp = 79, salinity 1.026