Well I tried to take a pic but its unclear. It just looks like white.......almost like a thin layer of cotton. It also seems like its in the area where my frozen food always ends up, if that means anything.
does your tank stink? I think something might be decomposing on your sand bed. Might still be cycling? When i left a piece of shrimp in my tank it turn all white and fuzzy too. Maybe your should siphon it out and do a water change. Maybe get a clean up crew
I agree with a clean up crew. I am still cycling my tank and I have a white layer on my shrimp before I took it out. FYI...don't smell or even come close to smelling a piece of shrimp that has been sitting in your tank for 3-4 days. As soon as I took it out I almost gagged...lol Tank didn't smell at all until then.
Originally posted by DEdwards
I agree with a clean up crew. I am still cycling my tank and I have a white layer on my shrimp before I took it out. FYI...don't smell or even come close to smelling a piece of shrimp that has been sitting in your tank for 3-4 days. As soon as I took it out I almost gagged...lol Tank didn't smell at all until then.