white organism on my tank


Active Member
before the lights comes on,there's thousands of white organism, very small finer than sand but long. my fish seems to be ok.. it is because the frozen foods ..and i feed them a lot five to eight of large whole silversides or shrimp or squids and pellet.


Active Member
it looks like ick but my fish are doing really good and eating like a pig.. but a see white spot sometimes in there body sometimes i dont... if this is a ick how can i get rid of it.. hyposalinity for how long and how low?.. and copper...will it kill the organism on my liverocks and livesand and a have a hermit crab? please help


If they are pods, they are very beneficial. They wont do any harm, they'll just give your fish a nice supply of live food.


Staff member
Pods do not usually end up on fish. Take a look at the pictures of fish with ich in the Diseased Fish Thread.


Mela-fix is a med. for ich, aslong as u dont have corals. that or a shot of copper, will clear up ich. worked for me, once again these wont work with corals.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bullitr
before the lights comes on,there's thousands of white organism, very small finer than sand but long. my fish seems to be ok.. it is because the frozen foods ..and i feed them a lot five to eight of large whole silversides or shrimp or squids and pellet.
Whats the livestock list that you are feeding that much too?


Active Member
snowflake 24"
lion fish 7" to 8"
clown trigger 3 "
niger trigger 5"
yellow tang 4" and 6"
powder blue tang 6"
maroon clown 3 1/2 "
harlequin tusk 5"
lunare wrasse 5"
dragon wrasse 6"
porcupine puffer 5"
toby puffer 5"
hermit crab 1 1/2 "
on 4 x 3 x 30 high in wall tank

luke g

buy a manderin and he will eat all of them ,they are good for your tank for the manderin as food but they eat your live rock ,there natural and alot of people have them in there tanks but a manderin hast to live on stuff lik that