White purple tip anemone


I recently purchases a white purple tip anemone from the LFS. I know it is not suppose to be white. Can sombebody give me a link to a previous post or another website so I can make sure I am doing the right things to get him back to health.
I am doing weekly water changes. Providing lots of light with with my new T5's. I am focus feeding him with a turkey baster a mix of squid, brine shrimp, and krill every 2-3 days.
Im not adding any chemicals to the tank yet b/c I only have 5 fish and 1 amenone in a 100 gallon tank. I am about to start adding corals in about 6 months or so.


Your in the right place for help. There's a lot of helpful people here.
We will need better ID on what kind of anemone you have. A pic would help.
Any anemone likes more meaty food, not really smaller stuff like brine or finely chopped food. When I feed mine i give each one 1 whole krill or half a scallop. Sounds like your on a pretty good track though.


The only store I have close by is the local walmart. What can I buy there that I can cut into little chuncks? Will just the regular shrimp work? I think I have seen frozen scallops. Should I just buy that bag a thaw one out and cut it into a small chunk and give it to him?


i needed something to feed my anemone & homemade food for the gang of fish, just go to the seafood counter at walmart & ask for how ever many scallops you want, they usually always have fresh ones.


Active Member
Condi's are alot easier to keep than most anenomes, but be careful. IMO They are alot more aggressive too, its not uncommon for an anenome to consume another fish in your tank, that just a chance you tank with having one. But, from what I have experienced, I had 2 condi's in my tank. One was too big and I gave him back, the second was a very good size but I woke one morning and found my clown fish being consumed by it. Now I have a BTA and its very very cool. But just as an FYI watch them closely, their tenticles are very very long and IMO they are more aggressive. Good luck.


So feeding it better food will make the color come back??? am I understanding this correct. I feed mine mysis and have for 6 months now along with a stinky red liquid twice a week. So I should change the food?? to help get some of the color back in the tips.